Rohde myKiln

Privacy policy

Privacy policy

We are delighted you are using ROHDE myKiln. ROHDE myKiln enables you to monitor the status of your kiln, automatically record firing curves, manage firing programs and transfer them to the controller.

The security of the data collected is very important to us – therefore, the following privacy policy provides you with an overview of the data we store and how this data is processed.

1. Data from your personal account

No data from your personal account, in particular, the firing curves saved and recorded by you, will be passed on without your consent.

2. Controller

The controller within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR is the person who, alone or jointly with others, decides on the purposes and means of processing personal data.

With regard to our app, the controller is:

Helmut Rohde GmbH
Ried 9, 83134 Prutting, Germany
E-Mail:, Tel.: +49 8036 674976-10, Fax: +49 8036 674976-19

3. Data protection officer

We have appointed a data protection officer in accordance with Art. 37 GDPR. You can contact our data protection officer using the following contact details:

Interaktiv EDV Stürzl und Licht GbR – Inh. Andreas Stürzl und Sabine Licht GbR
Haidenholzstr. 33, 83071 Stephanskirchen, Germany
Tel.: +49 8036-9080520, E-Mail:

4. Information that is collected when the app is downloaded

When you download our app, certain information is sent to the app store you have selected (e.g. Google Play or Apple App Store). In particular, the user name, the email address, the customer number of your account, the time of the download, payment information and the Mac address (Media Access Control) could be processed. The processing of this data takes place exclusively through the respective app store and is beyond our sphere of influence.

5. Provision of the app and creation of log files

When using our app, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system or device. The following data is collected:

  • What personal data of yours do we process and what is it used for?

    1. Information about the app and the version used
    2. The operating system, the system version and the device ID as well as the manufacturer of the access device
    3. The IP address and the MAC address of the access device
    4. Date and time of access
    5. A unique ID to recognise the user

    This data is stored in log files in our system. This data is not stored together with the personal data of a specific user, so that individual website or app visitors cannot be identified. The data is also anonymised after the deletion period has expired so that it is no longer possible to draw any conclusions about the individual person. The anonymised data enables us to monitor and improve the stability and availability of our app over time. The temporary (automated) storage of the data is necessary for the app to deliver its content.

    The storage and processing of personal data are also carried out to maintain the compatibility of our app for as many visitors as possible and to combat abuse and eliminate faults. For this, it is necessary to log the technical data of the accessing device to be able to react as early as possible to display errors, attacks on our IT systems and/or errors in the functionality of our app.

  • What is the legal basis for the processing?

    Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR (Legitimate interest). Our legitimate interest is to ensure that the above-mentioned purpose is achieved. The app cannot operate without the created log files, as the data is required, among other things, to deliver the content.

  • How long will your data be stored?

    The data will be deleted when the data is no longer required to guarantee the compatibility of the app for all visitors. This is within 3 months of using the app.

  • Objection and deletion options

    You can object to the processing at any time in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR and request the deletion of your data in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR. You can find out which rights you are entitled to and how you can exercise them in Section 0 of this privacy policy.

6. Service providers for the app and the website, as well as other data recipients

To make the operation of our (web-) app as secure as possible, we work on the basis of order processing contracts, within the meaning of Art. 28 GDPR, with other service providers that we have selected, taking into account the particular situation of the app:

7. Special functions of this app

7.1. Push notifications:

  • What personal data of yours do we process and what is it used for?

    Depending on the operating system (Apple or Android), an ID will be assigned to your device and saved. If the server sends a push notification to this ID, the message is automatically sent to the corresponding device.

    The transmission of messages as push messages facilitates communication with the users of our app. Among other things, the app informs the user about innovations within it (e.g. new articles).

  • What is the legal basis for the processing?

    Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR (Consent) based on your permission in the app or the settings of the mobile device.

  • How long will your data be stored?

    The data will be deleted immediately after the corresponding errors have been corrected, provided that there are no statutory retention periods.

  • Objection and deletion options

    You can disable the sending of push notifications at any time by either completely deactivating push notifications in the app settings or withdrawing the relevant permission from the app. You can find out your rights and how you can assert them in the lower section of this privacy policy.

  • The necessity of the information and consequences of failure to provide it

    The provision of your personal data is not required by law or contract and is not required for the conclusion of a contract. However, the ID must be used if you want to receive push notifications. Failure to provide it can therefore mean that you cannot use the push function.

7.2. Contact form(s)

  • What personal data of yours do we process and what is it used for?

    The data you have entered in our contact form and which you have entered in the input mask of the contact form will be converted into an email and sent to us by our system.

    The data recorded via our contact form or forms will only be used to process the specific contact request received via the contact form. Please note that we may also be able to send you emails to the address provided in order to fulfil your contact request. The purpose of this is so that you can receive a confirmation from us that your request has been correctly transmitted to us. Sending this confirmation email is not mandatory for us and is for your information only.

  • What is the legal basis for the processing?

    Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR (Consent through clear confirmatory action or behaviour) by submitting the contact form in our app.

  • How long will your data be stored?

    After your request has been processed, the data collected is deleted immediately, provided there are no statutory retention periods.

  • Objection and deletion options

    The objection and deletion options are based on the general provisions on the rights to object and to erasure under data protection law described below in this privacy policy.

  • The necessity of the information and consequences of failure to provide it

    The use of the contact forms is on a voluntary basis and is neither contractually nor legally required. You are not obliged to contact us via the contact form, and you can also use the other contact options listed on our website. If you would like to use our contact form, you must fill in the fields marked as mandatory. If you do not fill in the necessary information on the contact form, you will either not be able to send the request or we will, unfortunately, not be able to process your request.

7.3. Upload function

As part of the “Program” function, images can be uploaded to document a firing process. No images may be uploaded that contain sensitive personal data (e.g. health data).

  • What personal data of yours do we process and what is it used for?

    As part of the file upload, we will process the images you have uploaded on our servers, prepare them and make them available to you or persons authorised by you in the respective program.

  • What is the legal basis for the processing?

    Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR (Consent through clear confirmatory action or behaviour). Since uploading the images requires active behaviour – in particular, a selection of the image by the user – we also assume that you consent to the technical preparation and processing being made available on our server. Images are only shared with other users if you share the program with them.

  • How long will my data be stored?

    In principle, the uploads are stored indefinitely. Deletion by the uploading user is possible at any time in the respective program. The data is also deleted if a user deletes their account or has it deleted or if the entire program is deleted. If uploaded images are downloaded by the person or other authorised persons, they are permanently available to the person downloading them. From a purely technical point of view, deletion after download is not possible for the controller.

  • What rights do I have with regard to processing?

    With regard to the rights available to you, we expressly refer to the information provided later in this privacy policy.

  • The necessity of the information and consequences of failure to provide it

    The use of the upload function is neither contractually nor legally required by the controller. The upload function is used on a voluntary basis. You are not obliged to use the upload function. If you do not input images, you will not be able to use the upload function.

7.4. Comment function:

As part of the “Program” function, comments can be added to the respective program.

  • What personal data of yours do we process and what is it used for?

    We will use the personal data you leave in your comment to receive and publish your comment in the respective program.

  • What is the legal basis for the processing?

    Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR (Consent through clear confirmatory action or behaviour). Since inputting a comment requires active behaviour – in particular, the user typing in text – we also assume that you consent to the technical preparation and processing being made available on our server. Comments are only shared with other users if you share the program with them.

  • How long will my data be stored?

    Your comment will be saved and published indefinitely. Deletion by the commentator is possible at any time in the respective program. The data is also deleted if a user deletes their account or has it deleted or if the entire program is deleted. If programs are downloaded by other authorised persons, they are permanently available to the person downloading them. From a purely technical point of view, deletion after download is not possible for the controller.

  • What rights do I have with regard to processing?

    With regard to the rights available to you, we expressly refer to the information provided later in this privacy policy.

  • The requirement to provide personal data

    The use of the comment function is neither a contractual nor a statutory requirement, and it is also not necessary to conclude a contract. The comment function is used on a voluntary basis. You are not obliged to write a comment in the app. If you want to leave a comment, you must fill the fields marked as necessary with content. If you do not fill in the necessary information with content, your comment cannot be published.

8. Access to functions of your iOS device

If you use a device with an iOS operating system, the following provisions of Section 7 apply. To use all the functions on the app, it needs access to certain functions on your device:

  • Siri & Search

    Our app accesses the “Siri & Search” function by default, which allows you to control the app using Siri shortcuts. It also affects the search results on your device.

  • Notifications

    Our app accesses the “Notifications” function by default so that we can send you push notifications and display overlays on your home and lock screens. You can activate this function when you start our app for the first time. If you no longer want to use the function in the future, you can adjust this at any time via the system settings.

  • Camera

    This is required so that you can take photos.

  • Storage

    This access is required so that the app can cache data offline on the device. This may be necessary when using the camera function, for example.

  • What personal data of yours do we process and what is it used for?

    Personal data is only processed when the corresponding app functions are used. The specific processing of your personal data is listed under the respective app function. The purpose of the data processing is to enable you to use our app and its individual functions in a customer-friendly manner. In addition, the processing of your personal data enables the functionality of the app and the provision of the best possible user comfort.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR (Consent). When using the relevant app functions, the app only has access to your personal data with your express consent.

    In addition, individual functions (use of the device memory to store the content of the app) are sometimes required to fulfil the contract (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR).

  • How long will your data be stored?

    Access to the respective device functions is required while using our app. If data is also collected, for example, when files are exported or downloaded to the storage space of your device, these files are generally stored until you delete the files manually.

  • Objection and deletion options

    You can withdraw your consent or object to the use of the permissions at any time by withdrawing the corresponding permissions from the app in the app settings of your operating system. You can enable or disable access to the permissions for most end devices in “Settings” under “Apps”. Please note that disabling the access rights may negatively affect the functionality of the app. You can find out your rights and how you can exercise them in the lower section of this privacy policy.

9. Access to functions on your Android device that depend on your consent

To use all the functions on the Android app, it needs access to certain functions on your device. The app requires the following permissions. Please note that the following access rights require active consent from you. These functions cannot be used without your express consent (during installation or at a later point in time in the app).

  • Notifications

    Our app accesses the “Notifications” function by default so that we can send you push notifications and display overlays on your home and lock screens. You can activate this function when you start our app for the first time. If you no longer want to use the function in the future, you can adjust this at any time via the system settings.

  • Storage:

    This access is required so that the app can cache data offline on the device. This may be necessary when using the camera function, for example.

  • Camera:

    This is required so that you can take photos.

  • What personal data of yours do we process and what is it used for?

    Access is only required to use the functions of the app. The specific use is listed for the respective function.

    The primary purpose of the data collection and processing is to afford customer-friendly use of the app and its individual functions. These enabled user interactions allow you to use all the functions. The camera is accessed to enable the social sharing function so that you can share your number of steps, for example, in social networks and, if you want, add a photo.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    If you expressly consent to access to device functions, the legal basis for the use of this function is Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR (Consent through clear confirmatory action or behaviour).

  • How long will your data be stored?

    Access to the respective device functions is required while using the app. If data is also collected, for example, when files are exported or downloaded to the storage space of your device, these files are generally stored until you delete the files manually.

  • Objection and deletion options

    You can withdraw your consent or object to the use of the permissions at any time by withdrawing the corresponding permissions from the app in the app settings of your operating system. You can enable or disable access to the permissions for most end devices in “Settings” under “Apps”. Please note that disabling the access rights may negatively affect the functionality of the app. You can find out your rights and how you can exercise them in the lower section of this privacy policy.

10. Access to functions on your Android device that do not depend on your consent

To use all the functions on the Android app, it needs access to certain functions on your device. The app requires the following permissions.

  • Access to all networks

    We can use an existing internet connection (Wi-Fi or mobile network) to transfer data.

  • What personal data of yours do we process and what is it used for?

    Access is only required to use the functions of the app. The specific use is listed for the respective function.

    The primary purpose of the data collection and processing is to afford customer-friendly use of the app and its individual functions and to prove that the step goal has been achieved. These enabled user interactions allow you to use all the functions.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    To enable the functionality of the app and provide the best possible user comfort and, in particular, the generation of the code with which the achievement of the step goal can be proven. This is necessary to fulfil the contract (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR).

  • How long will your data be stored?

    Access to the respective device functions is required while using the app. Insofar as further data is collected about this, for example, when using voice input, the duration of the storage results from the respective regulations on the special functions of the app that use this permission.

  • Objection and deletion options

    The objection and deletion options are based on the general provisions on the rights to object and to erasure under data protection law described below in this privacy policy.

11. Integration of external services / statistical analysis of visits

We use active content from external providers, so-called web services, on our website. By accessing our website, these external providers may receive personal information about your visit to our website. Processing of data outside the EU may be possible. You can prevent this by installing a corresponding browser plug-in or by disabling the execution of scripts in your browser. This can lead to functional restrictions on the websites that you visit.

We use the following external web services:

  • Google APIs

    We use the Google APIs service from Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, 94043 Mountain View, United States,, Website: The processing also takes place in a third country for which there is no adequacy decision by the Commission. Therefore, the level of protection customary under GDPR cannot be guaranteed during transmission, as it cannot be ruled out that in third countries, for example, authorities can gain access to the data collected.

    The legal basis for the transmission of personal data is our legitimate interest in processing in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in achieving the purpose outlined below.

    We use Google APIs to be able to reload other Google services on the website. Google APIs are a collection of interfaces for communication between the various Google services that are used on your website.

    We or the service collect(s) the following data for processing itself: IP address

    With regard to the processing, you have the rights to object listed in Art. 21. You can find more information at the end of this privacy policy.

    Further information on the handling of the transferred data can be found in the provider's privacy policy at

  • Font Awesome

    We use the Font Awesome service from Fonticons, 6 Porter Road, Apartment 3R, MA 02140 Cambridge, United States, email:, Website: The processing also takes place in a third country for which there is no adequacy decision by the Commission. Therefore, the level of protection customary under GDPR cannot be guaranteed during transmission, as it cannot be ruled out that in third countries, for example, authorities can gain access to the data collected.

    The legal basis for the transmission of personal data is our legitimate interest in processing in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in achieving the purpose outlined below.

    Fonts are reloaded on our site via the Font Awesome service to be able to display the site in a visually better version.

    With regard to the processing, you have the rights to object listed in Art. 21. You can find more information at the end of this privacy policy.

    Further information on the handling of the transferred data can be found in the provider's privacy policy at

  • Cloudflare

    We use the Cloudflare service from Cloudflare, Inc., 101 Townsend St, 94107 San Francisco, United States, email:, Website: The processing also takes place in a third country for which there is no adequacy decision by the Commission. Therefore, the level of protection customary under GDPR cannot be guaranteed during transmission, as it cannot be ruled out that in third countries, for example, authorities can gain access to the data collected.

    The legal basis for the transmission of personal data is our legitimate interest in processing in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in achieving the purpose outlined below.

    Cloudflare is a so-called content delivery network that, in addition to dividing the website over several servers, also provides security functions. Cloudflare also acts as a reverse proxy for our website.

    With regard to the processing, you have the rights to object listed in Art. 21. You can find more information at the end of this privacy policy.

    Further information on the handling of the transferred data can be found in the provider's privacy policy at

  • Sendinblue

    We use the Sendinblue service from Sendinblue SAS, 47, rue de la Chaussée d'Antin, 75009 Paris, France, website: The transmission and processing of personal data take place exclusively on servers in the European Union.

    The legal basis for the transmission of personal data is your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR or Article 9 (2) (a) GDPR, which you have given on our website.

    The service is a plug-in that we need to be able to display all of the contents of our website to you. The service may also be used for tracking and/or for advertising integration.

    You can withdraw your consent at any time. You can find more detailed information on withdrawing your consent either with the consent itself or at the end of this privacy policy.

    Further information on the handling of the transferred data can be found in the provider's privacy policy at

12. Information on the use of cookies

  • Scope of the processing of personal data

    We integrate and use cookies on various pages to enable certain functions of our website. Cookies are small text files that your browser can save on your access device. These text files contain a characteristic string that uniquely identifies the browser when you return to our website. The process of saving a cookie file is also known as “setting a cookie”. Cookies can be set by the website itself as well as by external web services.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR (Legitimate interest) or Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR (Performance of a contract)

    In general, with cookies that are collected on the basis of a legitimate interest, our legitimate interest is to ensure the functionality of our website and the services integrated into it (technically necessary cookies). In addition, it may be that the cookies increase user-friendliness and enable a more individual approach. Here, we have weighed up your interests and ours.

  • Purpose of data processing

    The cookies are set by our website or the external web services to maintain the full functionality of our website, to improve user-friendliness or to pursue the purpose specified with your consent. Cookie technology also enables us to recognise individual visitors using pseudonyms, e.g. an individual or random ID, so that we can offer more individual services. Details are given in the tables below.

  • Duration of storage

    The cookies listed below are stored in your browser until they are deleted or, in the case of a session cookie, until the session has expired. Details are given in the tables below:

    Cookie name Sessionid
    Provider Website operator
    Type Configuring
    Purpose The cookie enables us to identify the individual user after logging in so that we can display the data behind the login area. The cookie is technically necessary to deliver the content to the user
    Legal basis Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR (Performance of a contract)
    Storage period Session (until the browser is closed)
    Cookie name Csrftoken
    Provider Website operator
    Type Security
    Purpose The cookie enables us to ensure that the user's login cannot be abused by a so-called cross-site request forgery. Sufficient security for our service can only be provided by using the token.
    Legal basis Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR (Performance of a contract)
    Storage period 1 year
    Cookie name rohde_app_language
    Provider Website operator
    Type Convenience
    Purpose The language cookie allows us to set the app or our web app to the user's language. The cookie stores the user's language selection.
    Legal basis Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR (Legitimate interest).
    Storage period 1 year
  • Objection option, withdrawal of consent and deletion

    You can set your browser as you wish so that the setting of cookies is generally prevented. You can then decide whether to accept cookies on a case-by-case basis or accept cookies generally. Cookies can be used for various purposes, e.g. to recognise that your access device is already connected to our website (permanent cookies) or to save recently viewed offers (session cookies). If you have given us express permission to process your personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time. Please note that this does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of withdrawal.

13. Data security and data protection, communication by email

Your personal data is protected by technical and organisational measures during collection, storage and processing so that it is not accessible to third parties. In the case of unencrypted communication by e-mail, we cannot guarantee complete data security on the transmission path to our IT systems, so we recommend encrypted communication or the postal service for information that requires a high level of confidentiality.

14. Your rights

  • Right to information:

    You have the right to request confirmation as to whether we are processing your personal data. If this is the case, you have a right to information about the information described in Art. 15 (1) GDPR, provided that the rights and freedoms of other people are not impaired (see Art. 15 (4) GDPR). We would be happy to provide you with a copy of the data.

  • Right to rectification:

    According to Article 16 GDPR, you have the right to have incorrectly stored personal data (such as an address, name, etc.) corrected by us at any time. You can also request that the data stored by us be completed at any time. A corresponding adjustment will be made immediately.

  • Right to withdraw consent:

    If you have given us your express consent to the processing of your personal data (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR or Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR), you can withdraw this at any time. Please note that this does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the point of withdrawal.

  • Right to object:

    In accordance with Art. 21 GDPR, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data relating to you (in the context of a legitimate interest) that has been collected on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f). You only have the right if special circumstances militate against storage and processing.

  • Right to erasure:

    According to Art. 17 (1) GDPR, you have the right to have us delete the personal data collected about you if

    • the data is either no longer needed;
    • the legal basis for the processing no longer applies due to the withdrawal of your consent;
    • you have objected to the processing and there are no legitimate reasons for the processing;
    • your data is being processed unlawfully;
    • a legal obligation requires this or a survey according to Art. 8 (1) GDPR has taken place.

    According to Art. 17 (3) GDPR, the right does not exist if

    • the processing is necessary to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information;
    • your data has been collected on the basis of a legal obligation;
    • the processing is necessary for reasons of public interest;
    • the data is required to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.
  • Right to restriction of processing:

    According to Art. 18 (1) GDPR, you have the right in individual cases to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted. This is the case when

    • you dispute the correctness of the personal data;
    • the processing is unlawful and you do not consent to deletion;
    • the data is no longer required for the processing purpose, but the data collected is used to assert, exercise or defend legal claims;
    • an objection to the processing according to Art. 21 (1) GDPR has been lodged and it is still unclear which interests prevail.
  • Right to data portability:

    According to Art. 20 GDPR you have a right to receive your personal data. We will provide the data in a structured, commonly-used and machine-readable format. The data can either be sent to you or a controller named by you. Upon request, we will provide you with the following data in accordance with Art. 20 (1) GDPR:

    • data that has been collected on the basis of express consent in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR or Article 9 (2) (a) GDPR;
    • data that we have received from you in accordance with Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR within the framework of existing contracts;
    • data that has been carried out by automated means.

    We will transfer the personal data directly to a controller of your choice, insofar as this is technically feasible. Please note that we are not allowed to transfer data that encroaches on the freedoms and rights of other persons in accordance with Article 20 (4) GDPR.

  • How do you exercise your rights?

    You can exercise your rights at any time by using the contact details below:

    Helmut Rohde GmbH
    Ried 9, 83134 Prutting, Germany
    E-Mail:, Tel.: +49 8036 674976-10, Fax: +49 8036 674976-19

15. Right of appeal to the supervisory authority

If you suspect that Rohde is processing personal data unlawfully, you can of course seek judicial clarification of the problem at any time. Every other legal option is also open to you. Regardless of this, you have the option of contacting a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 (1) GDPR. You have the right to lodge a complaint in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR in the EU member state of your place of residence, your place of work and/or the place of the alleged violation, i.e. you can choose the supervisory authority to apply to from the above-mentioned locations. The supervisory authority to which the complaint was submitted will then inform you of the status and results of your submission, including the possibility of a judicial remedy in accordance with Art. 78 GDPR.