Rohde myKiln

How do I create a new category for my firing program in the app Rohde myKiln?

The individual firing programs can be assigned into categories in the app Rohde myKiln. You can e.g. create a category "biscuit firing" and assign all biscuit firings (firing program) to it. The advantage is that you can sort all burning programs by categories in the "Programs" menu.

Creating a category:

1) Select the "Program categories" button in the "Settings" menu.

2) Now the "Categories" page appears. A new category can be created by clicking the "+ Add a category" button. Enter the name of the new category and confirm with the "Save" button.

3) The created category appears on the "Categories" page and programs can now be assigned to it.


To change the name of an existing category, simply click on the respective category on the "Categories" page and change the name.