Rohde myKiln

How can I send a firing program from the app Rohde myKiln to the controller?


  • If no firing program has yet been created, a firing program must be created before it can be send to the controller in the app Rohde myKiln.
  • To send a firing program, the controller must be registered in the app Rohde myKiln, must be assigned to a kiln and the controller must be switched on.


1) Select a program in the "Archive" menu.

2) At the bottom of the appeared page there is a button "Send program to kiln". Click this button.

3) In the next window, select the kiln to which the selected program is to be sent. Then select the program number in the controller of the selected kiln to which the program is to be saved. The selected program is sent to the kiln with the button "Send program" .


It is possible to send a program to a controller when a firing program is running. If a running program is unintentionally overwritten, the kiln will continue to burn with the newly loaded program. This can be harmful to the firing result and the goods.

If a controller, to which a program from the App Rohde myKiln is sent, runs a firing program, a warning appears in the window of point 3).


If the parameters of the maximum kiln temperature or the number of events of the kiln and the number of events of the controller do not match, a corresponding warning is shown.


  • It is possible to overwrite a running program via sending a new program to the program slot of the running program. The kiln is carrying on the firing, but with the new program values ​​that were sent shortly before.
  • This can be harmful to the firing result and the goods.
  • The program should only be sent to the controller if no warning appears!