Rohde myKiln

How can I create a new program in the app Rohde myKiln?


  • If no program is saved in the app Rohde myKiln, start in the menu "Programs" by clicking on the plus symbol ("Add your first program").
  • If at least one program is already saved in the app Rohde myKiln, start in the menu "Programs" by clicking the "+ Create program" button.


1) In step 1, enter or select the program name and firing category. The option "Category" can be selected, but it is not absolutely necessary for program creation. Pressing the "Save" button is completing this step and will take you to the next page.

2) In step 1, the program details are displayed and the program values ​​can be entered. To edit a segment, click on the respective segment in the list below the diagram. A new, additional segment is inserted by selecting the "Add segment" button.

3) If a segment is selected, enter the heating ramp speed in [°C/h or °F/h], the target temperature in [°C or °F] and the soak time in [min] in the mask that appears. If the used controller and kiln have additional switching outputs (events), you can enter them can here.

4) By pressing the "Save" button, the changes in the segments are saved and you are back on the program detail page.

5) If more segments are to be added to the program, repeat steps 1) to 3).

6) Once the program is completly entered, it can be sent to the appropriate kiln with controller, by clicking the "Send program to kiln" button. To proceed, a kiln with controller must be added in the app Rohde myKiln.

Additional information that can be stored with the programs:

  • Comments: Here you can save notes and comments on the respective program.
  • Pictures: Here you can save pictures for the respective program.